It's the beginning of summer, and you probably have much to do this season. Fixing your furnace might not be on your list of things to do, but it should be. If your furnace didn't perform well last year or if it exhibits signs of impending failure, make your repairs soon. Here's why repairing your furnace this summer is a good idea.
Open and Clear Out Your Floor Registers
If your furnace didn't heat your home properly last season, there could be several simple things to fix. One of the most obvious and easiest things you can do is to check your floor registers. Floor registers release warm air into your house. If someone accidentally or intentionally closes the registers, warm air won't flow through them. If your furnace backs up with too much heated air, it'll automatically shut down to protect itself and your air duct system from harm.
Go through every room in your home and check the floor registers in them. If the registers appear to be closed, open them. You'll also want to remove any particles of dust and cobwebs that cling to the surfaces of your registers. The debris can travel back inside your air ducts and damage your furnace.
If your air registers were open and clean during your inspection, call an HVAC contractor in your area. Your furnace may be in danger of failing.
Extend Your Old Furnace's Life With Repairs
Older furnaces can take longer to start up and function during the winter. But if your furnace is relatively in good shape or less than 15 years of age, you can still repair it. You may be able to extend the life of your furnace a few more years.
A contractor will troubleshoot the mechanisms inside and outside your furnace, including the burners, plenum, and motor. A service repair tech may also check the components inside your appliance's heat exchanger. Heat exchangers can crack over time, so it's important to check them immediately.
It's wise to repair everything a contractor finds now instead of during the winter. An older furnace can fail if you expose it to much stress during the cold season. Your ailing furnace may even trigger problems in the rest of your HVAC system, including your air ducts and ventilation pipes. Not only will you need to replace your furnace, but you may also need to repair your air ducts and ventilation pipes.
If your furnace didn't perform well last year, go ahead and repair it this summer. You can do so by reaching out to a HVAC contractor today.
For more information, contact a furnace repair company.