If you are experiencing issues with your residential air conditioning system, it may be possible for you to resolve these issues without the need to call a professional contractor. However, not all air conditioning problems can be resolved on a do-it-yourself basis. If the services of a professional repair contractor are required, be sure to communicate all the steps you have already taken before the contractor is dispatched to your home. This can aid in the diagnostic process and make the task of getting your air conditioner back up and running a bit faster and more affordable. Continue reading to learn more about the three troubleshooting steps you should complete any time there are issues with your air conditioning system.
Step #1: Make Sure Your Air Conditioner Is Getting Power
Most people simply assume that their air conditioning system is getting power. However, there are several things that can result in the circuit breaker that supplies power to your air conditioner being tripped. For instance, if your home experiences a power outage, this breaker can often trip in order to prevent a power surge when the power is restored. In order to ensure a power supply issue is not to blame for your air conditioning problems, be sure to check both the circuit breakers in your main electrical box and the dedicated breaker that is located near your air conditioner.
Step #2: Check Your Air Filter And Condenser For Potential Clogs
If your air filter or your condenser become clogged with dust, dirt, or other debris, this can result in airflow problems that prevent your air conditioner from working properly. In order to ensure this is not the issue begin by removing your air filter and holding it up to the light. If you are not able to easily see through the filter, you will need to clean or replace it. Next, take a moment to spray down your condenser with a garden hose in order to remove any dirt or debris that could be preventing proper airflow. If a clog in your system is to blame for your air conditioning problems, these steps should restore the use of your cooling system.
Steps #3: Check Your Thermostat Settings
Your cooling system is not going to work if your thermostat is not sending the correct signals for the system to cycle on. To make sure your thermostat is not to blame for your current AC problems, begin by making sure the thermostat is set to cool and that the fan setting is put on auto. If your thermostat uses a battery-powered digital display, you will also want to make sure that these batteries do not need to be replaced. Finally, you will need to ensure that the desired temperature is set at least a few degrees lower than the current temperature in your home.
For more information on AC system repair, contact a professional near you.