One of the signs of a problem with your heating system is weird noises. Many homeowners ignore these noises only to regret it later when paying for costly repairs. Here are some noises you should never ignore.
Metal Scraping Sound
You should consult an HVAC technician if you notice a loud scraping noise. The noise may be like metal rubbing against metal. It means the furnace's blower wheel has issues. The sound can arise if the blower wheel is detached from the motor shaft and is rubbing against the blower casing.
Tightening the wheel may resolve the problem if it is not seriously damaged. If the blower wheel is broken, it will have to be replaced. Another reason for the issue may be that the motor mount is broken, and the blower is hitting the housing.
Screeching or Whining Noise
Another common furnace noise you should pay attention to is a high-pitched screeching noise. This may result from a loose blower belt that needs to be adjusted or replaced. Sometimes the noise is caused by the shaft bearings. In this case, a technician will lubricate the shaft with oil.
Clicking and Rattling Noise
It is usual for your furnace to make a clicking noise when you turn it on. However, if you notice constant clicking, it could be that you have worn out bearings. Another cause may be clogged fan shafts and inducer blowers. Sometimes the furnace will make a clicking noise but won't turn on. The problem is with the gas supply or flame sensor in this case.
A rattling noise means there may be damaged components in the motor. In severe cases, you may be dealing with a damaged heat exchanger. The heat exchanger gets damaged because dirty filters prevent airflow and crack the exchanger. If you ignore this issue, carbon monoxide will leak into your home.
The Furnace Turns on and There's a Loud Pop
Many people tend to ignore the loud popping sound when the furnace turns on. Furnace burners do not ignite if they are dirty. The result is an accumulation of gas. This is what causes a loud bang when the gas ignites. Persistent explosions can damage the heat exchanger. Schedule a routine furnace repair before winter to avoid this problem.
Sometimes explosions occur if your heating system has metal ducts. You will hear a popping noise as the ducts contract and expand. The cause may be fragile ducts, undersized ducts, closed vents, or clogged air filters.
Contact a furnace repair technician for more information.