Should You Switch To A Highly Efficient Furnace?

If you have an older furnace that needs repairs, you may be wondering if you should repair your old furnace or buy a new one. This can be a tough choice, but you should look at how inefficient your old furnace is and how much money you stand to save with the improved efficiency of a new furnace before you make a choice.  Furnace Efficiency As A Function of Time

Tips For Reducing The Strain On Your AC Unit

As soon as you turn your AC unit on for the first time, it begins to wear out. While this a pessimistic way to look at using an AC system, it can help you realize how important it is to reduce the strain on your unit in any way possible. The less your system has to run, after all, the less wear it incurs. To reduce the load on your AC unit, take steps to reduce heat gain in your home.

4 Ways To Keep Water Out Of Your Fuel Tank

If you have an on-site fuel storage tank for your company's automotive fleet, then you need to make sure that the tank stays uncontaminated. If contaminated fuel gets into your company's vehicles, you can end up with a bunch of expensive lawn decorations.  Make Sure You Use the Right Tank There are different kinds of fuel storage tanks that you can use to hold all that fuel for your business. You want to not only be sure that the tank you use is good for the kind of fuel that you want as well as where you are going to store it.

4 Ways To Make Your Home Safer

Your home is the place where you should feel safest, but there are a number of hidden dangers that can harm your family or cause damage to your house. Spending some time and making a little effort around the house can go a long way in making your home safer and protecting your family. Consider doing the following to make your home as safe as possible: Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Reasons Your Heater Broke Down

Figuring out what happened to a furnace that's broken down can be frustrating, but here are some issues to consider when assessing a broken furnace.  Your Filters Are Clogged This is a great starting point for troubleshooting a broken furnace because it's easy to do yourself. You may suspect a clogged air filter if the heater is simply not producing enough heat or if it's turning off very shortly after the blower kicks on.